Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Blissful Bee is MOVING to a new website!

Today is a VERY important post, because The Blissful Bee is moving over to a new website! The web address will be NEW, so that means you will have to update a few things.

I recently discovered the domain name {} FINALLY became available after a year of trying to get it. I bought it this week and have been working on transitioning my site to its new location. You will also notice a few changes because I will no longer be using blogger to host my blog. I'm making the transition over to Wordpress, so you might see some broken links here and there. I'll be working on all of that over the next few weeks to try and get it all updated for you guys.

I might be able to forward my current address to the new site address, but that might not be for a while. Apparently moving over from Blogger to Wordpress was a lot more difficult than I thought!! I am now realizing that those of you who subscribe by email will have to switch over to my new feed and Google Friend Connect doesn't have a widget for Wordpress, so that will also be a change. If you follow my email (Google Feedburner) you will have to visit the new site and sign up with my NEW feed burner. You will see a subscribe by email area in the sidebar with the new feed. I just transitioned all of my BlogLovin readers over to my new blog, so this is now updated.

Long story short, check out my new setup at and try to update whatever way you follow The Blissful Bee. I'm so sorry to change things up on you guys, but I've been wanting this domain name ever since I started The Blissful Bee. In the long run, I think I'm going to be pretty happy with Wordpress as well. With all the changes happening with Google, I was starting to get worried they were going to take away blogger as well. Thought I would make the move before any more changes happened!!

P.S.  when I first started blogging, I was using a .blogspot address, then moved over to this address. Basically... whatever address you follow or have saved on your computer, those will become inactive. Try and update everything to to get my updated posts from the new website. Sorry again for all the confusion!!!

1 comment:

  1. GL with your move, they say it isn't an easy one to do- hope you encounter zero troubles, Amy!!
