Friday, April 26, 2013

BlogLovin' - A New Blog Reader to Replace GFC

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So for those of you who have been a lover and user of Google Friend Connect & Google Reader, unfortunately that will be going away on July 1st. I know... super sad, right?? I have followed all of my blogs through GFC since I started my own blog last April. It's been an easy way to keep my blogs organized and also a great tool for my followers to keep up to date with my posts. When I heard the news, I freaked out a little bit. It's taken me a YEAR to gain all of my followers, and now Google is just going to take that all away from me??  I cherish every follower I gain and truly appreciate each time that number goes up. It's pretty painful to have GFC go away, but don't worry friends, there seems to be a perfect solution!

After researching the blog world to see what other bloggers were transitioning over to, trying to find the best replacement, I found a WONDERFUL solution called BlogLovin'. It is a blog reader that has the same features as Google Reader, but it's basically just an updated version. AKA... better:) It also has a little "followers" widget that counts who all is following you! My favorite part is that it will send you an email each time someone follows you. I love that, because that means I check out their blog and return the favor:) That is something I never got with GFC and LOVE about BlogLovin'.

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As you can see, the layout is so simple and easy to use. Nice and fresh! It was SUPER easy to sign up too. It literally took me 2 seconds to sign up and is {of course} free. It even transferred ALL of my blogs over in a matter of about 30 seconds.

So what do you all think about this new Google change? Have you all figured out a solution to the madness? Any suggestions on other Blog Readers?

So far I feel very happy with BlogLovin' and hope for you all to check it out too. If you do join BlogLovin' and want to follow me, you can click on the button below or on the button on my sidebar. There is also a great search feature as well to find any blog or website you'd like. And of course, BlogLovin' will transfer all of your blogs for you, so you most likely won't even have to worry about it.

Follow on Bloglovin

I hope this post was helpful for any of you looking for a new blog reader! Would love to hear your thoughts:)

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